How is Composting Like Recycling?

Composting and recycling are two eco-friendly methods of handling waste. By using any method, you are contributing to keeping materials out of landfills and contributing to keeping the environment clean. Reusing some items or reducing their consumption are great waste management tactics for dealing with materials whose time for discarding has come. The only difference between the two is the materials involved, organic or manufactured.

What's composting?

Composting turns the organic waste you created into an actual useful product. For example, materials such as grass cuttings or newspapers, if used in the correct ratios, combine with air and water and begin the process of biological decomposition. The compost in turn, will be useful for growing plants, or as a soil amendment. Even if you are not the one who is maintaining and doing your own composting, many municipalities will pick up your waste and do their own compositing with other materials that citizens have put aside.

What's Recycling?

Recycling is similar to composting. Recycling will take the original manufactured product that is considered "waste" and converts it for new use. This is done by breaking down the product into smaller raw materials and reusing those materials to create something new. Same as composting, the process is accomplished with an individual or broader basis. When you are purchasing recycled products, you are already enhancing the environment since less energy is going into creating that recycled product


Composting and recycling both give back to the earth and relieves pressure on a number of environmental fronts. Composting can also provide lots of economic benefits, such as reducing expenditures on water, fertilizer, and pesticides. Recycling alone, is its own industry, employing more than 1 million people worldwide. Although Americans are recycling and composting much more efficiently than the past, we consumers are still generating a lot more waste. According to the U.S EPA, it is estimated that 75% of American waste is recyclable, however, we are only recycling about 30% of it.

Heal the earth, and give us your waste! For secure and safe home junk removal, place your trust in the experienced and licensed professionals at 1-855-Joe-Junk. With more than a decade of experience in our field and an impeccable reputation for top notch customer service, you can rest assured that your items will soon ethically and responsibly disposed of. Call us today at (855) 563-5865!

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